Commissions - Accounting - Policies - YTD Income

  • Agents Who Join, Leave, and Switch Teams

    We highly discourage agents from switching teams under the LAER model. As well, we highly discourage team leaders from recruiting individual agents within LAER to their team, just like we highly discourage agents from leaving teams to join LAER as individual agents. When teams poach agents from o...
  • Check Requests 101

    In order to get paid on your closing at LAER, we require three items: (1) An approved file - Dotloop in New England or Appfiles in Florida (2) The closing funds - usually this is the amount in escrow if it's our listing, or if it's our buyer, it's the funds from the co-broker agent or the closin...
  • Commission on Personal or Relative Transactions

    Legal Disclosures on Personal Sales & Sales Involving a Relative: If you are working with a blood relative or someone you are related to by marriage - always disclose. This should be disclosed in MLS (if it's your listing), on the offer form, and in the purchase agreement. Disclosure is requi...
  • How Do I Get a Report of My Year-To-Date Earnings?

    Our accounting team emails you a paystub with up-to-date totals on your volume, gross commissions, net commissions, transactions closed, and company dollar paid in. However, if you cannot locate a stub or haven't received one, just email and they will send you an updated...
  • How Do I Know if a Referral Check Came in For Me?

    Normally, our Happy Agent hosts will email the office when there's an unclaimed referral check that comes to the offices. Just to be safe, it's a good idea to email with the amount of the check you are waiting for and who it will be coming from and our team can check to ...
  • I Found an Old eCheck and I'm Not Sure if I Cashed it Already

    We can check to see if you cashed a check. Just email with the amount of the check, the check date, and the check number and they can verify whether or not it has been cashed.
  • I Want to Bring a Co-Broke Check to Closing But We Are Not Holding Enough in Escrow to Pay Both Sides

    Sometimes agents ask for co-broke checks to be written so that they can be brought to closing, even though we are not holding enough in escrow to pay the FULL co-broke check.  If the check request is processed correctly, we can process all of the checks on the transaction whereby part of the co-b...
  • Sexual Harassment & Discrimination

    CLICK HERE for the most recent Sexual Harassment Policy which includes protocols for reporting harassment and discrimination. SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND OTHER DISCRIMINATORY HARASSMENT LAER is committed to maintaining a working environment that is free from sexual harassment and other types of discri...