Lead Companies

  • OpCity

    OpCity is a lead company that is owned by Realtor.com. If you want a regular flow of leads, you can email the HappyAgent@LAERRealty.com team and simply ask to join the OpCity program.OpCity charges a referral fee of 35% or 38% on each transaction (rentals and homes sold at under 150K are a 30% re...
  • OpCity Fees

    OpCity charges their fees depending on the type of referral they have sent you. In most cases it's 35%, however, in some cases, it can be up to 38%. The OpCity fee will be deducted from GCI (Gross Commission Income), or better known as 'off the top,' and then your regular split and fees will ap...
  • What is the PrimeStreet Lead Program?

    \ PrimeStreet is a lead program which is currently only available in parts of Massachusetts and Southern Florida. They distribute leads to agents for a referral fee of 35% (as of August 2024).  If you are interested in being added to the PrimeStreet lead rotation please watch the above video for...
  • Where Can I Get Leads?

    There are two types of lead programs in real estate. The first is subscription-based lead platforms. The second kind is referral-based lead platforms. Subscription-Based Lead Platforms: These are companies that will sell you buyer and seller leads for a fixed monthly fee. Typically you are tied ...