HUD instructions & NAID number

Agents must log in at
Go to the top right and register as a bidder.
Agents create their own username & password.
Answer the security questions.
NAID Information:
NAID Type:  Selling/Listing Broker   (Drop Down Menu)
Role:  Selling Agent (Drop Down Menu)
Contact Information:  Agents Information
Check Acceptance of Terms & Conditions
Type in Characters as seen in picture at bottom of page, Hit Submit.

For Massachusetts HUD NAID # PRSTGR5474
Stacey’s License Information
MA License #148404
Exp Date: 10/22/2022
Company Name – Prestige Real Estate dba LAER Realty Partners
MA License # - 8890

For New Hampshire HUD NAID # PRSTIG5474
Gary Trouville’s License Information
NH License #056248
Exp Date:  12/18/2022
Company Name – Prestige Real Estate dba LAER Realty Partners
NH License # (Chelmsford) 067274

Technical Support:  866-777-2034

Aug 3, 2024

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